Archive | April 2014


When a big kid goes to help a little kid
When a smart kid goes to help a challenged kid
When a leader takes leadership.

Sometimes you meet someone and you go
“Man this persons a real leader”
Sometimes they catch you by surprise and you go
“You know I really didn’t see it before but now, I know”

We don’t need superheroes,
Or sorcerers or people with powers,
No we don’t need any thing fake,
What we need are real superheroes,
People we can look up to
And will always be there to

But sometimes there are no leaders around you,
And sometimes you need to step up,
To be the person we all know you can be
To lead a big kid to help a little kid
To encourage a smart kid to help a challenged kid
To recognize yourself as a leader
And to take leadership

Always there will be a leader,
Even if you don’t know it
Because that’s what leaders are for
To be there for you
Even when you don’t think you need anyone


A fickle creature
The embodiment of beauty
Living inside us
Feeding on our emotions, and thoughts
Weaving a phrase out of scraps and memories

Like a spider weaving its web at midnight

A fickle creature
The embodiment of love
Buzzing around us
Coming to us when we least expect it
Knocking us down with its sudden presence
Like a fox in the woods on a full moon

A fickle creature
The embodiment of fantasy
Leaping, flying, creating inside us
Living in a wooden box
Waiting to be opened by the golden key of imagination
Like a dragon soaring through the clouds

A fickle creature
The embodiment of danger
Breeding our anger and insecurity
Haunting our dreams
Hurting us in such a beautiful way
Thrilling us
Daring us to just take that one more step, and jump
Like a black bird, hiding in the shadows

A fickle creature
The embodiment of us
Expressing ourselves in such a personal way
Showing ourselves
Like a river
Gushing through your body
Raging down your arm
Past your finger tips
Leaping into the air suspended above delicate peace of paper
Like a bluejay that’s been flapping against the wind
Battling to be light again
Until finally the wind stops
And the bluejay lands on a branch and rests
As a phrase, light as a feather
Finally lands
And rests as it’s story is told
“Once upon a time….”

Media and a memory

When I was little I could not live without my favorite movie: The Little mermaid. Every Saturday it was the same routine; wake up, eat breakfast, then go to my TV room and press play. It was the most wonderful movie ever, not even mentioning the fact that I was in Love with mermaids. When I watched that movie, it was like was underwater, there with them.

Watching the movie would go a little like this for me; holding my breath as the movie begins, waiting in anticipation for the fist scene to begin, and no matter how many times I’ve seen it I still ooh and ahh every time it starts. Then later on standing on the couch and acting+singing along to whatever song or scene was on. 🎶UNDER THE SEA🐠!!🎶🎶PART OF YOUR WORLD🌎!!🎶 (Usually accompanied by yells from my mom and dad to stop the racket.) Crying after Eric doesn’t know that she saved him, and laughing at the stupid things that scuttle does, and of course you can’t help but smile at poor Sebastian for trying to keep that up-to-no-good Ariel out of trouble.

The little mermaids disk basically lived in the DVD player. If someone took it out to watch something, it would go back in the next day. The think about that movie is that you can’t help but just ding it captivating, and that’s what I love about it. That’s why The Little Mermaid was is my favorite movie of all time!
