Archive | October 2013


I walk down the cold hall, the sound of my heels clicking as they hit the stone hard ground. CLICK, CLACK they go. Over head I pass the old big clock ticking away the precious seconds. A chill runs down my back as I realize there is no sounds going on. No teacher yelling, no custodian mopping, no student walking in the hall. I was alone in a dark scary place. I finally reach the door, my hand grabbing the ice cold handle. I put my hand to the side touching my work bag, making sure it’s still there. If anyone got it…I just don’t know what would happen. I push open the door into the cold air, the wind whipping my hair on my face as if it was barb wire. I have now stepped in the a world of danger. What did I just do?

Smells Like Heaven!

My eyes flutter open as my hands wipe away the sleeping dust. A usual routine for the morning. Although this morning is different. I take a big whiff of air and the scent slowly drifts toward me.

The sweet smell of cinnamon buns!!

I run downstairs still in my pajamas and half asleep. The only thing going through my mind is “I must get some before my pig little sister vacuum’s them up.” Atlas I get downstairs it feels like I’ve been running a mile when I just skipped down the stairs into my small kitchen.

Yes I get there right when she’s reaching for the last one. DONT YOU DARE!!!! I yelled. She froze shocked which gave me enough time to swoop in and grab it.

I took a big bite and looked over at my sister. She was reading my expression and by the way she read it I could tell that I had one expression on my face. An unmistakable one that could only mean;

Oh yes, this is delicious!!!!

This entry was posted on October 21, 2013, in Fun. 1 Comment

A Fateful Night

My stomach does a summersault, and BAM!! My head hits the door and I am suddenly conscious. I open my heavy eyelids only to see the grey seat cover plastered onto my face and my aunt looking at me like I was some poor creature, that was lost. She was whispering its ok over and over again but I didn’t know what was going on. From outside I heard my dad screaming for help, and I heard the faintest sound of crying. I sniffed the air only to catch a whiff of some moist moldy dead leafs. It was like my soul had left my body, my consciousness was looking down at myself. I was the one crying. And my expression I couldn’t bare to look at it. I could feel fear, sadness, anxiety, and surprise all at the same time. I opened my mouth and I could taste the old seat cover in my mouth. I will never forget that one cool night in Peru, when my life turned upside-down(literally.)

Rights for everyone

Most people have never had to work just to keep theirs lives. Most people have never had to work 20 hour days of hard labor just not to get beaten. Most of us have at least food onto he table at nights and a roof over our heads. We have no idea how lucky we are.

Life deserves to be cherished. If we lived in the olden times would any of us give a second look at slaves. The people that did everything for you just so they could stay with their children or so they could have a couple scraps of food? Would any of you even consider letting a woman into the military back then? Of course not cause women are so inferior right? There should be more people like Wendy Davis. A woman who stood for 12 hours without eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom for her beliefs.

And also I know everyone talks about human rights but what about animals? They shouldn’t be abused. Why do we have dog fights and cock fighting? Just for someone’s amusement? It’s sick.
Think about animals like oggey. He was a dog who got tied to a steak to be used as bate for a Pitt bull, and after they were done with him they left him there to bleed to death.

Race is stupid. One color is not superior than the other. If a black kid got shot for looking suspiciousness the white shooter would be able to go home with a warning, but if it was the other way around the black man would be given a death sentence.

Think about this…….. is everyone really free or is our world just full of hypocrisy?