Favorite Quote

My favorite quote is:

You should always be yourself, because if you aren’t then you can never be truly loved for who you are or ever truly love yourself, for if you aren’t true to your heart you can never be happy.

-Sofia Cooklin

This is my favorite quote because I believe you have to be the change in life you want to happen. So I want to be a change and make my own desitions, follow my own guides and quotes. I want to make a difference in the world and I believe I can do that by writing my own words, Sharing my feelings, and expressing myself.

Another reason I love this quote is that I always am tempted to change myself to fit in, but then I’m not being true to myself, and I’m not being the person they think I am. No one should should change who they are for others.

One thought on “Favorite Quote

  1. I also believe you can make a difference by writing your own words, Sofi. Your words are especially powerful. You have quite a voice, and I am so proud of the way you have used it through your writing this year!

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