Rights for everyone

Most people have never had to work just to keep theirs lives. Most people have never had to work 20 hour days of hard labor just not to get beaten. Most of us have at least food onto he table at nights and a roof over our heads. We have no idea how lucky we are.

Life deserves to be cherished. If we lived in the olden times would any of us give a second look at slaves. The people that did everything for you just so they could stay with their children or so they could have a couple scraps of food? Would any of you even consider letting a woman into the military back then? Of course not cause women are so inferior right? There should be more people like Wendy Davis. A woman who stood for 12 hours without eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom for her beliefs.

And also I know everyone talks about human rights but what about animals? They shouldn’t be abused. Why do we have dog fights and cock fighting? Just for someone’s amusement? It’s sick.
Think about animals like oggey. He was a dog who got tied to a steak to be used as bate for a Pitt bull, and after they were done with him they left him there to bleed to death.

Race is stupid. One color is not superior than the other. If a black kid got shot for looking suspiciousness the white shooter would be able to go home with a warning, but if it was the other way around the black man would be given a death sentence.

Think about this…….. is everyone really free or is our world just full of hypocrisy?

2 thoughts on “Rights for everyone

  1. I appreciate the passionate way you voice your thoughts here, Sofi. I think it’s very effective how you give specific examples to support your points.

    Many students your age don’t organize their thoughts into paragraphs. Good job!

    I agree that life needs to be cherished and that such an important idea needs to be spoken about by young people like you. I’m glad you have such a keen awareness of world issues.

  2. Sof,

    I am so proud of you for expressing your strong opinions in such a coherent way. I am even more proud to see that you have your own perspective and expostulate in your own words and not with the influence of parents, friends and teachers!
    You go girl!

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