
The dying snow

Crack! A bright flower emerges from the encase meant of the never ending cold. The snow starts to melt, and every crystal of frozen ice starts to melt into the first stream of spring. But the nature is not the only thing that’s waking up… The birds start chirping again, and you start to hear the soft crunch of the bunnies hopping around on the grass. Ah! Isn’t spring time just lovely!




My hands are cold and sticky from rolling out and softening the frozen dough. Everything I touch gets coated in sticky sugar. I pick up a spoon and start to ladle pieces of dough onto a platter.

DING!! The first batch is done!

I open up the oven and the familiar sweet smell of baked cookies drifts up my nose. It take them out and put in the second batch.
TIC, TOC. I wait, and wait. After a while I start to feel a little cold so I go upstairs to get my jacket. While I’m upstairs my phone rings and I get distracted texting my friend.

10 minutes later….
DING, DING, DING. Omg!! The cookies!
I run downstairs into a smokey kitchen. I open the oven and pull out the platter with black ‘hokey pucks’ on it.

We’ll maybe cookings not for me.

Slipping away

My feet went numb hours ago, and now they feel like solid chunks of ice that I have to carry through the unending snow. My clothes are tattered and threadbare, and the lack of heat has made my skin turn to a shade of purple.
At least I escaped…
But what if this wasn’t the right choice. I haven’t eaten in days and yet I still feel like I’m going to throw up.
Finally I give up. I just don’t have the will to go on anymore. I lay down in a soft patch of snow. It was almost nice mot having to worry about moving on anymore.
I lay my head down and my eyelids start to feel heavy, then I fell into a soft peacefull sleep, and even though I needed to go on, I knew I wasn’t going to wake up again.

Found poem

The shock

“Primrose Everdeen”

It was as if the impact had knocked every wisp of air from my lungs
Unable to speak.

Someone was gripping my arm,
I started to fall.

Then I see her, the blood drained from her face,
Hands clenched in fists at her sides
That brings me back to myself.

With one sweep of my arm I push her behind me,
“I volunteer” I gasp

“I volunteer as tribute”


Ding,dong,ding,dong. The alarm sounds for midnight. Who cares! More food, more pillow fights, more fun!! Staying up late at night! Watching movies, texting boys, and staying up late on your phone. Finally fatigue takes over and we fall asleep……. Up and ready again early in the morning. The sour taste of unwashed teeth caked with sugar infiltrates your mouth. Breakfast time!

Ahh aren’t sleepovers fun?

Eye challenge



Midnight nightmares

I wake up with a gasp. The thin sheets are stuck to my sweaty body, showing my fear….I had the same dream again, yes that one. The one where…..never mind. How many times will I see this….we’ll I don’t really know what’s going on. At least I know there coming to me for a reason. The real question is why though…..

A cold morning

My eyelids flutter open, breaking the layer of magical dust that gives us sweet peaceful dreams. I give a good sigh only to see my breath turn to a mini cloud of perspiration. Last night Jack Frost was definitely nipping at my nose. I pull the great big quilt over my head to insulate the warmth that was still left. My eyes soon adjust to the darkness under the thick layer. I knew that I would have to getup soon to carry on with all the chores that needed to be done, but it was nice in here. Warm, maybe I’ll stay for just a few more minutes……


TIC, TOC goes the clock

My eyes dart back and forth from the clock to the door. TIC, TOC it goes, silently watching me. Watching my anxiety and my distress. Where is she? Mom hurry up. If your getting me out of school early for an appointment that I don’t even want to go to then please hurry up! Arg! My anxiety starts to become Impatience and stress. Oh my gosh. Ugh! Mom, common. Where r u?


Oh how lovely is the evening.

I look outside of the clear window, tinted a whitish hue from frost. My hands rub back and forth on the silken cushion of the velvet chair. My dark brown eyes zoom in and focus on every snowflake darting from one to another watching them falling from the frosty night sky like frozen teardrops. Each one different yet still in some way almost identical with the beauty it has. I silently open my mouth with a soft HUH. The moistness in my breath fogs up the glass. A perfect canvas to draw things that will quickly erase and you can do more. I turn around to direct my body to the warmth of the crackling fire. Oh how lovely is this evening!